
Relieve Stress

If you are experiencing too much stress in your life it is more than likely interfering with your day-to-day life, maybe making you irritable, anxious, and unproductive at work or causing problems with your relationships at home. If any of this sounds like you then you have come to the right place.

We use a combination of Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) to help you overcome unwanted stress in a relatively short space of time, thus allowing you to live your life feeling more relaxed, calmer and ultimately more confident and happy.

Why is it that we seem to hear more about being stressed out in these modern times than we used to? This is because we have higher expectations of ourselves than in the past. We are meant to achieve more at work, own our houses and a lot of people borrow large amounts of money to be able to make such things a reality. This means that we end up using our body's stress responses to try to deal with these situations.

The body's stress responses are a natural mechanism designed to protect us. For example in prehistoric times if we had no stress we would not have worried about the sabre-toothed tiger sitting at the mouth of the cave until it had eaten us. The body releases hormones into the bloodstream to deal with such situations and these hormones cause an instant physical and emotional reaction, giving us extra awareness, stamina & strength and these help us to survive.

In modern society instead of utilising these stress hormones in case of physical danger we tend to use them for many other situations. If we have to present at a meeting, sort out our finances, worry about finishing a report, are late for an appointment, the children misbehave, or any number of things that I am sure you could add to that list.

These stress hormones are designed for use by the body but because we are all fired up like a caveperson about to run away from the sabre-toothed tiger we never utilise them as they are meant to be used. Our bodies and our minds need to rest after this surge of hormones that give us all this extra energy, and as this is something that does not happen in modern life, the hormones keep on working. This means that we have to endure the feelings of imminent danger for long periods of time with no respite and this means we cannot relax, hence the feelings of stress.

This can cause emotional problems including issues with anxiety, anger, panic, obsessive thoughts and sometimes addictions to drugs and alcohol. It can also have negative effects on our immune system making it easier to get ill and totally disrupt our sleep patterns.

Wouldn't it be great to be rid of these problems for good? Using a combination of Cognitive Hypnotherapy, NLP and EFT to change the unconscious minds response to stress, we'll give you all the tools you need to deal with modern life and leave those old feelings of stress behind. This means that you can be more relaxed, mentally calm and in turn this will give you more confidence to cope with day-to-day living.

If you want to get rid of that old-fashioned stress call: 01932 354994 or email



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