
How we can help you

By using some or all of the techniques listed below ....

Cognitive Hypnotherapy

We all get locked into behaviours, habits and beliefs, which we realise are reducing the quality of our lives, but still carry on doing them. This is because the unconscious is in control of these responses and the thought pattern that generates them remains hidden from our conscious awareness. These patterns can be out of date and inappropriate in our present life.

Hypnotherapy is one of the oldest talking therapies there is. It has been used by aboriginal people from the Native Americans to Shaman hundreds of years ago to great effect.

The way our brains work is that 90% of what we do is unconscious, if you think about it we would find it difficult to walk down the street if we had to consciously think of every step we took to make sure we were safe. All behaviour has a purpose that is a positive one all we need to do is find out what that is so we can make your unconscious mind change it to what you want to happen. This can be done by using Hypnosis which is a totally natural state of mind and is something you will have total control over at all times. Hypnotic trances are some thing we are in most of the time. Have you ever driven a car and not remembered anything of the journey, or been involved in something that you excluded everything all around you even people talking? That is a Hypnotic trance that is why Hypnotherapy can have a lasting effect.

Cognitive hypnotherapy utilises techniques to modify these patterns so that the client can take control of his or her behaviour. It uses the client's natural trance states to assist in uncovering the thoughts and memories that led to an issue, and which are continuing to maintain it.

When relaxed in a trance state, your conscious mind is also relaxed, so allowing the hypnotherapist to communicate with your unconscious mind.

The Cognitive Hypnotherapist provides skilled guidance to enable the clients to uncover their own solutions. The hypnotic state allows the unconscious the ability to accept these solutions as permanent and ongoing. It is most effective if the therapist works within the client's "map of the world", rather than imposing their own onto the client. Each person and each issue is unique. It is the therapist's role to guide the client, not to control or dictate.

The majority of clients will be seeking help with negative feelings or emotions which are causing pain in some way, or other limitations which are adversely affecting their lives. Usually these clients have already tried many other ways to "sort themselves out", but most of these methods will be via the conscious mind, using logic.

Hypnotherapists utilise hypnosis so they can interact with the unconscious, solving the problems that the conscious brain alone cannot.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP is the study of how our mind interprets the information it receives through our senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste) into a 'language' that it can understand.

We were not born with low self-esteem, tendencies to overeat, or suffering from compulsive behaviours - these are all habits we have learned and practised so often that they become part of 'who we are'.

For example, someone might be overweight and wants to be slimmer and healthier, but their brain still suggests food when they feel uncomfortable, because eating for many years made them feel better about themselves. It is an ingrained pattern of behaviour.

NLP techniques are used to assist the individual to adapt whatever it is they are doing, into behaviours that will give them the results they want. NLP aims to increase the choices available in any situation, and remove the limitations which currently prevent sound choices being made, so optimising performance.

The techniques can be used alone or in conjunction with Cognitive Hypnotherapy to help with many issues. They can be used to eradicate phobias, anxiety, anger, trauma, grief and guilt; improve performance - sports, business or academic; and improve any aspect of your life where communication, whether internal or external, is a factor. NLP's potential application is almost unlimited.

NLP enables us to become more aware of our thoughts and how we translate those thoughts into actions. As we now know, the mind and body are inextricably linked and affect each other, the quality of our thoughts impacting on our body's stress levels. Negative thoughts, by placing a strain on the immune system, can create conditions for disease and ill health. Replacing these negative thought patterns with positive ones can assist good health and speedy recovery from illness. This does not replace traditional medicine but is complementary to it.

NLP comes from the study of excellence and the subsequent teaching of those patterns to others. Each person is unique and sees the world from his or her own unique perspective. Throughout life a person will use his or her experiences to make sense of events, developing patterns that they will continue to follow. This will be whether the resultant behaviours are good or bad.

Doing something well, consistently, is not an accident. It is a process.

Doing something badly, consistently, is not an accident. It is a process.



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