
Female Sexual Problems

As nurturing creatures we have a desire and to a certain extent a need for close physical contact and intimacy with our fellow beings. This can range to a peck on the cheek from a friend or relative, a hug from your mother or father, a cuddle from a boyfriend to wonderful love-making with your partner.

So imagine how difficult it would be if you had received the diagnosis from your doctor that everything was OK physically, but something in your mind didn't let you enjoy the intimacy of love-making. Relationships suffer and arguments with your partner can develop, as you are both frustrated by the issue. Apart from the fact that you are being deprived of what is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences that you can share with another human being.

We have in our profession as Cognitive Hypnotherapists dealt with many such cases and they are amongst the most rewarding, as through the use of Cognitive Hypnotherapy and NLP we can help women achieve happiness and fulfilment in their relationships with their partners using their own mental resources.

The reasons why sexual problems can happen are many, but if you are stuck and want to change but can't work out why this is happening, then it is a behaviour that your unconscious mind is using to protect you.

That is correct. Your unconscious mind is protecting you from something that your conscious mind wants to change but you cannot.

This is where Cognitive Hypnotherapy and NLP can help. Your mind is an amazing thing that takes up to 11 million bits of information in at all times and filters them down to between 7 and 12 bits of conscious information. The rest is stored in the unconscious and there may be some information there that is saying to your unconscious that it is better if you didn't carry out a particular behaviour, such as love-making, because once a long time ago it was not right for any reason. Those reasons do not have to be huge issues, but your unconscious mind will protect you from doing them again without your conscious mind knowing why.

So by using Cognitive Hypnotherapy and NLP we can work out what you want to change about yourself and by using hypnotic trance we can work out what the block is and change it if you so desire.

It is worth stopping at this point and explaining that hypnotic trances are not magical or mystical mental states, but are mental states that we use on a daily basis. Research shows that our unconscious is responsible for about 90% of our daily behaviour. Our unconscious will allow us to carry out certain behaviours without us being aware of them, such as driving a car and not remembering anything about the journey. This is a very common example of a hypnotic trance.

Hypnotherapy has nothing at all to do with stage hypnosis, a common misconception as to what hypnotic trance is. When you come to see us you will always work in conjunction with the therapist and you will always be in control. This is called the therapeutic alliance and it is bound up in the code of ethics.

If you would like help with sexual problems using Cognitive Hypnotherapy and NLP, please call: 01932 354994 or email



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